After seeing what this cult has done to us personally and what we have seen with other religions through some of our past bible studies, all religions seem to have the same trademark. It all boils down to lies, memberships and money. All of them will tell you that only they have the truth. That they are guided by god's holy spirit. That they are god's mouthpiece. Give what you can give (we'll get the rest later by making you feel like your not doing enough)
Last time I read my bible, there were no church or imperfect man between Yeshuah and my husband. Just the man and then Christ, himself. And until that accurate knowledge is poured out in the end times, no one knows anything. I would rather wait and then stand in front of Yeshuah and answer to him alone for my sins. I don't have to answer to an imperfect group of goons who are made to believe they are the seven dukes or eight shepherds or god's mouthpiece or whatever.
When I start to see flames above their heads or they can turn water in to blood or stop up the rains from the heavens then I will start to watch. Religion is a snare and a racket for sure. They can all kill each other off for all I care. Just don't come to my door and preach love and then teach hatred. They tried to turn our personality into something we were never to become(what they call the new personality) and that is why we wanted out.
No one should have to be lied to in order to be someone else's slave. Families should not have to be made to make a decision when it comes to their loved ones or a flip flop religion. It's things like these that they don't tell you at the doors and if it were made known to the public and they still want to join then that's their choice. I guess when it comes to religion, everyone needs to be bitten once and then maybe will be twice shy. We weren't just bitten but skinned and devoured. Never again! I wouldn't wish religion on anyone.